Most common blood tests during pregnancy first trimester
Read in this article about most common blood tests during pregnancy first trimester.
At the first prenatal visit,

the blood will be checked by the practitioner for seeing whether the type of blood is A, B, O or AB or whether it is Rh-negative. There are various blood tests during pregnancy first trimester. If a woman is Rh-negative, she will get a shot of immunoglobulin at least once during her pregnancy. After the delivery, the baby will turn to be Rh-positive. This shot will protect the woman from developing antibodies that can be very dangerous during this pregnancy or for future pregnancies. There will also be a blood test during pregnancy first trimester for checking if there are any unusual antibodies due to which the pregnancy may be affected.
Complete blood count
This is a blood count which will tell the practitioner if there is very little hemoglobin in the red blood cells. This may also be sign of anemia. Sometimes, this is also a result of iron deficiency. If a person is iron deficient, taking iron supplements will be recommended by the practitioner. One must eat many iron-rich foods such as lean meat. This is a very common blood test during pregnancy first trimester
Rubella immunity
This Is also a blood test during the pregnancy first trimester. The level of antibodies to the rubella virus in the blood is checked for seeing whether a woman is immune or not. If rubella is developed during pregnancy, it can lead to stillbirth, serious birth defects and miscarriage. Most of the women are very immune to rubella. This is because either they had the disease as a child or they are vaccinated. If a woman is not immune, she needs to avoid the people who have had this infection and have to travel to foreign countries where the disease is endemic. Although a woman is vaccinated when she is pregnant, she should get the vaccine after giving birth for protecting future pregnancies.
Hepatitis B testing
There are many women who have this liver disease. No symptoms are shown. This can be passed unknowingly to the baby during the labor or after birth. The test will also reveal whether a person is a hepatitis B carrier or not. If a woman is a carrier, the baby will be protected and injections of hepatitis B will be given by the practitioner. Testing and vaccination must be given to all the members of the household.
Syphilis screening
This is a sexually transmitted disease. However, it is very rare. All women must be tested because serious problems can be developed to her and her baby. If the test is positive, antibiotics are given for treating the infection. This is also a common blood test during pregnancy first trimester