What are the causes and cures of yeast infection?
Read in this article about what are the causes and cures of yeast infection.
Yeast infections are also known as Candidiasis or Candida. These infections are caused by a group of yeast or microscopic fungi. There are more than 20 species of Candida. Yeast infections may be developed under the breast,

lower abdomen, vagina or around dentures. Sometimes, they are developed beneath the skin folds. The exact causes of yeast infection are not yet known. However, these infections become very common as the age increases. A woman must be aware of the proper yeast infection causes and cures.
Causes of Yeast infection
1. The fungus named Candida Albicans is the major cause of yeast infection.
2. A lowered immune system is also responsible for rapid growth of bacteria. This will mainly happen if a woman is not getting enough sleep or she is sick.
3. A lot of hormonal changes are found in the body towards the end of menstrual cycle. This may also lead to yeasat infection. Pregnancy and birth control also fall under the category of yeast infection.
4. Candida infections are not sexually transmitted diseases. They can be passed on to the partner during sex. This can be transmitted through bodily fluids or through the semen. The situation becomes worse if vaginal intercourse takes place without much lubrication.
5. Antibiotics are the main cause of the chronic yeast infection. This will happen due to the prolonged usage or various types of antibiotics. Some women also get yeast infection even though they take antibiotics for a long period of time.
6. The yeast can grow if the sugar levels are elevated and if a woman is diabetic. This is primarily due to the diabetes mellitus or uncontrolled diabetes.
Cures of diabetes.
1. Plain yogurt
The yeast can be fought very easily by the bacteria in the plain yogurt. They can be used externally as well as internally. However, unsweetened and plain yoghurt must be brought. Yoghurt can feed on sugar. The process is very simple and good results are given. The advantage is that other types of milk can also be used.
2. Garlic is an enemy of yeast. This is considered to be a very effective home remedy for instant relief. A lot of relief is provided if a clove of garlic is inserted in the vagina every few hours. If garlic tabs are used, the ingredients must be very pure and natural.
Thus, a woman must know about all the possible yeast infection causes and cures.