Why is there brown discharge during pregnancy?
Read in this article about why is there brown discharge during pregnancy.
A major strain is put on the body due to pregnancy. As the growth of the baby progresses,

added pressure is put on the joints, muscles and ligaments. Pressure is also put on the surrounding organs. This in turn will lead to spotting, cramping and discomfort in some women. In many cases, it has been observed that there is an increase in the vaginal discharge as the pregnancy progresses. This is very normal and it happens due to various reasons. The vaginal walls and the cervix become very tender and the vaginal discharge is increased for keeping at bay any kind of infections that travel up to the womb from the vagina. Brown discharge during pregnancy is very common. The first thought that will come to mind is obviously something wrong. However, this is not the case always. Some kind of vaginal discharge is experienced by many women. This discharge varies in color from brown to red during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It is normal to have a brown discharge as long it is not heavy with cramping and red like menstrual blood. Blood clots must not be noticed. There are various reasons for brown discharge. Some of them are very mild while some of them are worrisome.
Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy include:
1. There are many causes of brown discharge particularly late in the first trimester. The most common cause is that the body gets rid of older blood remnants in the cervix. As the growth of the body is seen, original blood will be used for protecting the womb.
2. The cervix becomes very sensitive. Hence, the brown discharge becomes very normal after sexual intercourse or vaginal sonogram. A little tear is caused due to the irritation of cervix. This results in a brown discharge for 2-3 days
3. Another cause is the implantation bleeding. This causes brown discharge during pregnancy. It occurs mainly for two weeks after conception and 4 weeks since the last menstruation. It will occur basically when there is fertilization of the egg in the uterus. This will cause light bleeding and spotting in women.
4. Molar pregnancy is another reason for this brown discharge. The growth of the embryo is not proper in the molar pregnancy. The egg will settle in the fallopian tubes and thus, it is also known as the tubal pregnancy.
Thus, women may associate brown discharge during pregnancy with wrong things. Thus, it is better to get it checked with the doctor.