Allergy Testing - Beyond Common Allergies
For some allergy sufferers, allergy testing is the only sure-fire way to identify a potentially dangerous situations.
For severe allergy sufferers,

anything could set off a potentially dangerous situation. While foods such as wheat, soy, and eggs account for almost 90 percent of food allergies, some may experience allergic reactions from other sources. Many times it can be difficult to find the source of these allergens, especially for patients who are experiencing mystery symptoms and may not realize that it is the source of an allergic reaction. An allergist is a board certified physician that can best handle these situations with allergy testing.
Food allergies are very common, and most will develop during childhood. Therefore, pediatricians are qualified in diagnosing food allergies, especially since allergies to milk, tree nuts, eggs, and wheat are so common. When the child develops symptoms of a food allergy, the doctor can diagnose the culprit by advising the parent to keep a food diary. It is possible to develop a food allergy after childhood In fact, many adults will outgrow an allergy as a child, only to develop an allergic reaction to the same food later in life.There are many common, yet mild, allergic reactions that can be treated with an over-the-counter medication. However, a mild reaction, such as tingling in the mouth or facial swelling can cause a more serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This is why it is so important to identify the offending food in order to avoid coming in contact with it, since a more serious reaction can cause a coma or death. Although some doctors can help their patients identify an allergen, an allergist might be necessary for the more difficult situations. This is especially true for subtle allergic reactions that affects one's overall quality of life.
There are other allergens besides food that can do more than just make it difficult to digest certain foods. For instance, environmental allergies can make the change in seasons a miserable time for those prone to allergic reactions to ragweed or pollen. When visiting an allergist, identifying the cause of an allergic reaction involves more than just keeping a food diary; many times it will involve testing a special procedures. Many of these techniques have been developed by leading physicians in their field for identifying rare and less common allergens.
While it may be easy for some allergy sufferers to simply avoid gluten or products made with tree nuts, there are others with allergic reactions that aren't so simple. For these patients, allergy testing must go beyond a food diary, and into the hands of a qualified allergist, who is specially trained in treating both common and rare allergies.