These days stress is everywhere and for many of us women, we may not always be aware of how much stress actually surrounds us. Instead we carry on with our day in our usual way. Slowly we start to feel tired, we lose our ability to focus and we just don't enjoy life the way we used to.
These days many women are not always aware of the amount of stress that surrounds them.
Stress is known as the silent killer and it definitely creeps up on you without warning.
Some of the first signs of stress in your life are health related and can affect your body in many ways
Stress is the first step on a road that could potentially lead to things like suffering from a heart attack, or having to deal with anxiety or depression. It’s important to be aware of these symptoms and to take action to avoid more serious health challenges.
The difficulty for many women is that stress is everywhere from running around to prepare for work each day, getting your kids off to school and taking care of your home. This is all before you have even had a chance to do something nice for yourself!
Stress can be a double edged sword. Stress can be the cause of many issues and at the same time is a result of your actions and your environment. Let me explain this in a simpler way.
Over a period of time you start to feel tired and worn out. You can't put your finger on the reason yet you notice that your energy levels are down and that you just can't think properly. This is a result of stress.
At the same time allowing yourself to get run down has allowed your stress levels to increase. Because you are feeling tired you do not manage situations as well as you normally would. Getting enough rest and time to relax is key to managing your stress levels.
Stressors are those items in your environment that cause you to feel stressed out. They add to your tiredness and drain your body of energy. This is a vicious circle that becomes a never ending one.
To manage your stress you need to get enough sleep and learn how to relax your body. How many times have you stayed up at night because you just can't get certain things out of your mind? These are the things that you have to learn to let go off, these are your stressors.
Helpful ways to manage stress include listening to soothing music. This can be especially helpful if you have trouble falling asleep. Turn off the lights in your bedroom and listen to some soft music. Set the radio or disc player to automatically shut off after about an hour.
Soaking in a hot bath, or taking a warm shower are other great ways of learning how to relax your body. Going for a massage can help too, this is really great if your muscles feel stiff and knotted.
Getting enough exercises on a regular basis can also keep your stress levels down. Exercise such as walking, swimming and yoga are particularly good for helping you relax and sleep better at night.
Eating a well balanced diet is also beneficial to reducing stress levels. A well-balanced diet consists of knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats, eating a variety of high quality nutritious foods in all food groups, and creating a habit of consuming healthy food.
Your goal is not to allow stress to have you running around in circles. When your stress levels are high, look for the reason why. You may have too much on your plate, or you may find that you never spend any time on yourself. It’s important to find healthy ways to deal with the day to day stress in your life.
Remember you are important and your family needs you to stay healthy. Find ways to manage the stress that surrounds you and keep those levels at bay.
Would you like to discover a simple 3 step plan to relieve stress and boost your energy?
Click here to find out more.
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