Avoid Choosing The Wrong Plastic Surgeon
It is very important that you choose a qualified plastic surgeon for your next procedure. Here are a few ways to avoid problems.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons in recent months has started proactive campaigns to warn potential plastic surgery patients about the dangers of working with a non-credentialed plastic surgeon. Not only can disastrous results happen but health problems may also cause you great distress and pain. Unfortunately,

anyone with a medical degree is able to perform a plastic surgery procedure but only those who carry special education and association credentials are aptly equipped to perform these popular elective surgeries.
It is important first and foremost that the plastic surgeon you choose to work with is board certified. This means that the American Board of Plastic Surgery has given them certification to practice elective surgical medicine for the general public. This certification is only given to doctors who have has specialized education in cosmetic and restorative surgery, have had enough work in the filed, and have gone through examinations to establish competence. If you do not work with a board certified surgeon your run the risk of health problems from badly executed surgery and also poor results.
If you are looking into a specific kind of surgery, it can be important that you verify that the surgeons you are exploring specialize in the procedure you're looking to have done. Just as regular doctors tend to specialize in a given medical field, so do plastic surgeons. Your plastic surgeon should have special training and recognition for the procedure you're looking into. For a facelift, you will be looking for a surgeon with extensive facial surgery experience. For liposuction, you're looking for a surgeon who can offer a variety of options.
Although results are often fantastic, results do vary and you have to have expectations that are realistic. It is important that your plastic surgeon also communicate this to you. Those who inflate your ideas about how perfect you will look often make you feel badly after surgery and recovery. Make sure you're working with a surgeon who expresses a realistic approach to your surgery.
Because plastic surgery is considered elective, you need to make sure your surgeon discusses your overall general health and proper candidacy for surgery. If you are not healthy or have health problems, your surgery could put you at serious risk for infection or heart attack. Make sure the doctor you're working with clears you for surgery and discusses all possible problems up front.
Lastly, make sure that you are working with an honest plastic surgeon. Make sure that the pictures and testimonials are truthful reflections on their work. Make sure that they are not charging you unnecessarily high prices for surgery options. By ensuring that you're working with an honest doctor you will feel more comfortable and more confident to healthily and happily go through a procedure.