Face Lift - Making You Years Younger
When you look older than you are, it can be pretty embarrassing. You probably tried the over the counter stuff and found some of it works but it doesn't take the years off your look that you'd hoped for. A face lift can do just what you want.
Aging happens to everyone. Some grow old gracefully. Others age very quickly. The problem is you don't necessarily have to feel old to be considered old. Not looking your age is great when you look younger than you are. It's not so great when you look much older. There are lots of serums and creams out there that promise results. A face lift can give you better results than any cream on the market.
Why go with a face lift if there are non-invasive ways to look younger? It's a good and valid question,
especially if you are on the fence about having cosmetic surgery. There are some great, and expensive, creams out there. But if you watch the commercials or read the package carefully, they specifically say don't expect surgical results. That's because these creams and serums might make your skin a little firmer for the day, but if you stop using them, you're going to go back to the way you've always looked. Some of them simply fill in the wrinkles; others react in a way that makes the skin tighten. The results are very temporary. Only surgical results can give you that look day after day without having to continue to purchase and apply expensive creams.
Unlike the creams on the market, a face lift works by removing the excess skin that makes you look older. The firming effect works by simply pulling the skin tight, not by filling the wrinkles with filler that will wash away or absorb over time. It is an invasive procedure and you will have recovery time ahead of you. This is something that you have to consider when you are making the decision on whether or not to have this surgery performed. During your consultation, you should make sure all your questions are answered so that you are making an informed decision.
If you remove the excess skin, is it going to make you look strange? The answer to that question is: not at all. In fact, if you have a face lift performed by a skilled surgeon no one will even know that you had any work done at all. That's because the best physicians can make you look years younger and keep it looking completely natural. The key is not to take too much skin, or pull it too tight. If you have deep wrinkles, then you don't want them completely removed. By doing that you'll be pulling the skin overly tight and it won't look natural at all. Softening them into fine lines will still take years off your look though.
A face lift can make you look more youthful and, while it's not permanent, it will last years. There is no cream on the market that can guarantee results like that. To keep it looking natural you might not be able to get rid of every line, wrinkle, or crease, but you can soften some of the deeper ones into fine lines. Keep this in mind during your consultation.