Going to the spa will require some good manners. Here are some things to think about.
Going to the spa can be a wonderfully relaxing and pampering experience. Whether a person is going in for a massage,

a body wrap, a facial, a pedicure or a manicure, employees of the spa and all the others trying to pamper themselves, too, will appreciate good manners. Here are some things to think about:
- Call in advance to reschedule: After booking an appointment, it’s important to show up as planned. If rescheduling does have to happen, give the technicians at least 24 hours in advance notice. Even more time would be preferable since they’ve been holding that time slot for your appointment. Sometimes a masseuse is left twiddling her thumbs when she could be making money and giving someone else a muscle relaxing massage.
- Be prompt: If one customer is late, it throws the whole schedule off or forces the technician to shorten your appointment. Not only that, being tardy is stressful for everyone. Starting out a relaxation event with high blood pressure and a ton of stress hormones raging isn’t a good idea.
- Turn the cell phone off: No one wants to hear a cell phone ringing or blaring your favorite downloaded tunes when they’re trying to get a facial. Worse yet, individuals who have noisy and lengthy phone conversations while sitting in the lobby are sucking up all the air space from all the others who have to listen in. Save your phone conversations for another time.
- Don’t eat in the spa: How lovely to be wrapped in mud packs and enjoying the gentle ocean sounds coming from the esthetician’s CD player. But suddenly, what’s that smell? Wafting in from the lobby is the odor of burgers and fries. Yuk, talk about a mood killer.
- Be kind to the staff: Yes, the cosmetologists, estheticians and masseuses are there to pamper you and provide a service for which they were well trained. Treating them with respect and kindness is imperative. You are playing princess for the day, but they are not your servants. Don’t order them around or be snippy.
- Don’t forget to tip: Providing a tip after having a wonderful massage or the best facial ever is always welcome. Saying thank you and telling the management about your fantastic experience is also a great way of spreading the joy.
- Leave your children and pets at home: Yes, your little teacup Chihuahua is cuter than a button; and sure Fifi fits in your purse. But Fifi will get bored and even have to use the fire hydrant at some point. This will be very unpleasant for the pup and others in the spa. Having kids run around or whine in the lobby while you’re having your toenails painted is not a pleasant experience for the kids, the employees of the place or any of the other individuals who are there for their special day.
Having good manners while at a spa will make it a wonderful treat for all concerned. Be polite, compassionate, use some common sense and everything will turn out fine.