Helping Your Partner Overcome Premature Ejaculation For Good!

Mar 26


Charles Wealth

Charles Wealth

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There are a lot of off-label medications now available in the market that are being used to treat premature ejaculation. They are called "off-label" because none of these medicines have been approved for by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). Continuous studies are being conducted by pharmacological companies on these pills, creams or lotions in an effort to come up with a solution to one of the most common sexual dysfunction experienced by men all over the world - premature ejaculation.

What can a woman do when her partner experiences premature ejaculation? Proven to be a more common problem than erectile dysfunction,Helping Your Partner Overcome Premature Ejaculation For Good! Articles premature ejaculation affects an estimated 30% of men all over the world. Men of various ages and races will experience loss of ejaculation control at some point in their lives.

Premature or rapid ejaculation is often defined as a man's inability to control release of sperm during intercourse, long enough to allow his sexual partner to achieve orgasm. If ejaculation occurs consistently prior to or shortly after penetration and is causing distress then it may signal that the condition deserves medical attention.

If your partner's condition is only recent, meaning he's had successful ejaculatory control in the past, then the condition may only be temporary. In some instances, everyday stress, unrealistic expectations and financial problems may aggravate his condition. If this is the case, a sincere and loving discussion with your partner may be all that's necessary to address the problem. You may broach the idea of going into counseling to find ways to improve your overall relationship.

If your partner has a persistent or recurrent problem of losing ejaculatory control, it is usually not that easy to say the right thing to him. The issue of premature ejaculation may affect your partner's self esteem and may make him reluctant to discuss it with you or with a doctor. Your partner may also experience feelings of inadequacy that may lead to depression. It is important to make him understand that the condition affects you as well and that you are there to support him and help him find a solution to the problem.

Studies show that many women partners of men suffering from premature ejaculation sometimes feel a sense of rejection and even guilt. There may be instances when your partner will altogether avoid sex, leaving you wondering if you had done something wrong or if he no longer finds you attractive. As you and your partner drift apart in the bedroom, communication may become more and more difficult.

When confronted with these situations, it is best to deal with the problem together. Keep assuring your partner that you are there for him and that he does not have to hide his condition. Refrain from putting blame on him or on yourself. Instead, present options to him that will improve his condition and at the same time result to a more harmonious relationship between the two of you.

Be open to exploring other sexual techniques and create an environment that is conducive to romance. Consider getting professional advice or medical help, but only with his consent and approval.

A healthy sexual life is important for you and your partner's well being. Remind him that premature ejaculation is not something to be ashamed of and cure is readily available.

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