How Bad Is Your Prostate Problem? Your Prostate Questionaire
Wondering if how serious your prostate problem is? Or if you even have one? Take this quick 9 question quiz and find out.
If you have experienced prostate problems but are unsure whether you can fix it with natural supplements,

drugs or maybe even an operation. Or even if it's worth seeing your doctor about, then take this quick test to determine what you should do.I'm sure as a man you know that your prostate gland enlarges as you get older, and mild symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) are common. 50% of men over 50 and, 80% of men over 65 experience prostate problems, so it's highly likely that you do have a problem. Fortunately the symptoms are very treatable and in most cases can be reduced or almost completely eliminated with the right changes in lifestyle, diet and help.You may find this questionnaire compiled by Doctor R. Livinstone in the UK helpful in deciding whether you need to start taking preventive action, take serious action, or seek help from a doctor. Grab a piece of paper, put down A, B and C on it and note down how many you get of each, be honest, you're only kidding yourself if you try and get a good prostate score and you actually need help. Hope you get a good result;I'm serious, don't just try and remember. Visual aids are great for stimulating action. Which is what you probably need to do here. Go grab a pen and a piece of paper.Now let's do it...When you want to pass urine, is there a delay before you start? A) NeverB) SometimesC) UsuallyWhen you pass urine, do you find your flow stops and starts? A) NeverB) SometimesC) UsuallyWhen you think you have finished passing urine, do you find a bit more trickles out, and sometimes stains your underwear? A) NeverB) SometimesC) UsuallyHas your stream become weaker or thinner in the past year? A) Not reallyB) Yes, a bitC) Yes, a lotDo you feel your bladder is not quite empty after you have been to pass urine? A) NeverB) SometimesC) UsuallyHow many times do you usually get up in the night to pass urine? A) NeverB) 1 - 3C) 4 or moreHow many times do you go to pass urine in the daytime? A) Less than 4B) 5 - 7C) More than 7When you want to pass urine, do you feel you have to go straight away? A) NeverB) SometimesC) UsuallyDo you ever pass urine when you don't mean to? A) NeverB) SometimesC) OftenHow did you do? Good I hope, so here's your answer.Look at your answers to the questionnaire above.If you scored mainly 'A's you have no difficulty passing urine, and nothing to worry about.If you scored mainly 'B's you have some symptoms of BPH, and should take preventative action to prevent it getting any worse.If you scored mainly 'C's you have severe symptoms, you should start taking preventative measuresimmediately and consult your own doctor.Hope that helps!!