How to Treat Rapid Ejaculation Using This Simple Method

Mar 27


Charles Wealth

Charles Wealth

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What can a woman do when her partner experiences premature ejaculation? The condition is actually a more common male sexual problem than erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation was found to affect an estimated 30% of men all over the world. Men of various ages and races will experience loss of ejaculation control at some point in their lives.

Premature ejaculation affects about 30-40% of men and is believed to be the most common male sexual dysfunction. The good news however is that in spite of its prevalence,How to Treat Rapid Ejaculation Using This Simple Method Articles there are several treatments available for men who suffer from rapid ejaculation.

Among the many therapies recommended for premature ejaculation, the "stop-start" technique is considered to be an effective option because it enables the man to learn control. Usually, the premature release of sperm is said to result from the inability of the man to control his arousal level. By using the stop-start technique, he becomes more aware of his sexual arousal level and he can immediately pause all sexual stimulation in order to delay ejaculation.

This technique coupled with some psychotherapy has been proven to help more men deal with this problem. Psychotherapy sessions work better when the man's sexual partner is involved in the sessions, and participates in unraveling some of the underlying reasons for the man's rapid ejaculation. This method works well with men (and women) who are committed to find solutions to rapid ejaculation on a long term basis.

Often, it is fear or embarrassment that prevents a man suffering from premature ejaculation to seek help. In a study conducted by an Australian firm, it was found out that 70% of men who suffers from sexual dysfunctions refuse to seek professional help for their condition because of embarrassment. 64% of the men surveyed said that they waited for years before they were able to admit the problem and seek help, while 82% of the same group said that they were unaware that premature ejaculation can be treated.

Early detection of the problem is important. It will save a man from suffering unnecessary anxiety over his sexual performance. Relationships have been known to break up because of sexual problems that affect other areas of the couple's life.

If you are suffering from rapid ejaculation, do not hesitate to seek professional help to address the problem earlier. Overcome the embarrassment and do not think that the condition is hopeless, because it is not.