Know about the reasons for dandruff
Read in this article about reasons for dandruff.
Dandruff is a very common problem among many people around the world. There are many Reasons for dandruff. This can be considered as skin problems. Dandruffs are nothing but the dead tissues of the scalp skin. Dandruff can really harm your hear. It weakens the hair and that leads to hair fall. Dandruff should be taken care from the first fast day. You must not give dandruff any chance to stay on your head.
Not cleaning the hair properly,

using wrong shampoo, skin allergy and many other issues can cause dandruff. Internal and external skin problems can cause dandruff and you must make sure that doesn’t happen by using proper methods to cure it. Let me tell you about some basic reasons that can cause dandruff.
1. Many health problems turn into dandruffs on your head if that problems causer your skin tissues to die. This is one of the main Reasons for dandruff. If the skin tissues of your scalp die then they6 become dandruff.
2. Proper amount of vitamins and minerals are needed, from your foods, to make your tissues keep growing. If you don’t have proper diet then that will definitely cause dandruff. If your scalp doesn’t get proper amount of nutrition then it becomes weak.
3. Hair blow driers can cause dandruff if used regularly. The heat, that it generates, is very harmful for your scalp as it dries it and causes the tissues to dry.
4. Many hair care products have chemicals that can cause dandruff. However, it only happens if you use the shampoos regularly. Try to use them only 3 times a week.
5. Keeping your hair and scalp wet can cause dandruff. If you don’t dry the hair immediately after bath then that will surely cause dandruff.
6. Heat is a reason where skin tissues dry. If you go out in excessive heat or direct sunlight then that will make the scalp dry. It will turn into dandruff as the skin tissues will die rapidly if dried.
7. Dandruff can be caused by hormonal problems. If, for any reason, your hormones start to fluctuate then you may start to have dandruff problems .
Apart from these, there are many other things that can cause dandruff. There are many reasons that are still not yet explained. However, these common Reasons for dandruff occur mostly so you can treat accordingly. Understanding the reason is very important to cure properly.