If you're considering liposuction, which is also known as lipoplasty, you probably have many questions about the procedure. Read the following information for answers to liposuction FAQ's and to learn more about the procedure.
is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the body by removing fat from specific areas. The most frequently treated areas are the chin, cheeks, buttocks, arms, knees, waist, breasts, and stomach.
How is Lipoplasty Performed?
Patients are usually given local or general anesthesia before the procedure. The cosmetic surgeon will mark the spots on your body where incisions will be made. After making each incision, the plastic surgeon will insert a small, hollow tube under the skin through the incision. The tube is attached to a medical vacuum that sucks the fat through the tube and deposits it into a container.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
Lipoplasty usually takes one to four hours to complete. This plastic surgery procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis. However, an overnight stay may be required in some situations.
What are Compression Garments?
Compression garments were designed to reduce bleeding and swelling after surgery. Most plastic surgeons require that patients wear a compression garment for a period of time following liposuction.
What is the Cost of Lipoplasty?
The cost of lipoplasty usually depends on how many areas are treated. The fee is higher when multiple areas are treated. The average cost for lipoplasty is $4,000. Liposuction in three areas can range from $6,500 to $8,500.
Who is a Viable Candidate for Lipoplasty?
The best candidates for this procedure are individuals who have isolated pockets of fat that do not respond well to exercise and diet. An individual who has a serious medical condition is not a viable candidate for lipoplasty.
Excessively obese patients are not viable candidates for lipoplasty.
Does Lipoplasty Produce Permanent Results?
Fat cells removed by lipoplasty do not grow back. As long as the lipoplasty patient does not gain a great deal of weight, his/her new silhouette is permanent. If the patient gains more than 10 pounds after lipoplasty, the fat will accumulate in every area of his/her body. Areas where fat cells have been removed by lipoplasty will accumulate little fat.
What Are the Risks of Lipoplasty?
Lipoplasty is amazingly safe. However, problems can occur with any surgical procedure, such as nerve damage, bleeding, skin ulcerations, infections, pain, swelling, and a reaction to anesthesia.
How do I Know if a Surgical Facility is Safe?
Lipoplasty can be performed in a hospital, outpatient surgery center, or doctor's office. Your surgery should be performed in an operation room that maintains high standards for cleanliness.
How Soon Can Patients go Home After Lipoplasty?
When lipoplasty is performed by local anesthesia, patients can go home within 30 minutes of the completion of surgery. When general anesthesia is used, patients usually need one or two hours of post-anesthesia observation before they can depart from the surgical facility.
How Much Time is Needed to Recover From Lipoplasty?
Most patients are able to return to work within a few days. Recovery time depends on the technique used to perform the lipoplasty and the amount of fat removed from the patient's body.
How Much Fat Can be Removed?
The maximum amount of fat that can be removed safely is about six to eight pounds. If you want to remove more than eight pounds of fat, it's best to divide the lipoplasty into separate surgical procedures, each separated by three to four weeks. Don't let fat get you down. Find a plastic surgeon in your area. Liposuction will give you the sexy body you've always wanted!