Liposuction - The Truth About This Popular Procedure
Everyone’s heard of liposuction, but most people don’t have a good idea of what it is used for. Overtime, people have come to believe that lipo is used as an alternative to diet and exercise. Here is the truth about what you can expect from of this procedure.
Liposuction is one of the first procedures that jumps to mind when people think of plastic surgery,
but few of them will have a good idea of what the surgery is meant for, or what can realistically be expected from it. Pop culture has created the idea that you can walk into a surgeon’s office at one size, go under the knife for a few hours and come out drastically thinner. This is a misconception. Liposuction is not a magic wand, and it certainly isn’t a replacement for regular diet and exercise.
Good nutrition and fitness practices are essential for living a healthy life and for looking your best. Unfortunately, there are some areas of the body that will retain fat deposits no matter how diligently you diet or exercise. This can be very frustrating, especially if you’ve worked very hard to attain a certain weight goal. This is where liposuction can be successfully utilized. During the procedure, these select permanent fat deposits are removed, thus giving the body a better shape. It is meant for targeted areas, not overall slimming.
If you’ve noticed that you have certain areas that cannot be changed no matter how hard you work at it, then you might be a good candidate for liposuction. Do a little research to find a good doctor in your area and go in for a consultation. Be honest about what sort of results you are looking for and find out if they are possible. If you and your doctor decide to move forward, you can expect to pay anywhere between $3,000 and $10,000 depending on the extent of the procedure.
Before you do decide to move forward, make sure you have a clear idea of what you are getting into. As far as safety is concerned, lipo does rank lower on the risk factor than some other procedures, but it is an actual surgery and will require a local or general anesthesia. Ask your doctor to give a detailed explanation of what the surgery will entail, and what risks will be involved.
Another step you might want to consider, is finding others who have undergone the procedure and asking them about their experience. The doctor will have a detailed knowledge of what will happen to your physical self during surgery, but only a former patient can give you an idea of what it was like to go through with it. They can also enlighten you as to what their recovery was like and how the results have held up over time. Most doctors can refer you to patients who wouldn’t mind being contacted, and there are also online forums for patients to talk.
All of this will help you make your decision about whether or not to pursue liposuction. No elective surgery should be decided upon lightly. If you take the time make informed decisions, you run less risk of being surprised by some unglamorous part of the procedure, and you increase the likelihood that you will get fantastic results.
Liposuction – The Truth About This Popular Procedure