Necessary Preparations For Orthopedic Surgery
There are some preoperational instructions for you to follow to ensure that you have the best orthopedic surgery and recovery possible. Read on to learn more.
Sometimes when you have suffered or incurred an injury to your musculoskeletal system that interferes with the way you move,

it may be necessary for you to receive orthopedic surgery. In order to make sure that you receive the best care possible, you will need to prepare for your operation well in advance. Failure to do so can affect the outcome of your orthopedic surgery. If you want to regain the full use and flexibility of your body, do what is necessary to give yourself a fighting chance.
Most hospitals require that certain paperwork and documents be in their possession several weeks before your expected procedure date. Many others will not even schedule an appointment until that paperwork is turned in. If you don't want to experience any delays, make sure that you find out what information is needed on your behalf so you can get the treatment you need as soon as possible.
Once your appointment has been made, you will receive a list of instructions for you to follow. It is important that you pay close attention to this list and follow all of your doctor's orders. A few weeks before your treatment, you will need to stop taking any anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory and aspirin medication and drugs. You also need to avoid any herbal supplements and vitamin E during this time as well. These substances can cause complication during your orthopedic surgery, some of which can lead to death. If any of the afore mentioned medications are something that you need to take in order to remain healthy, make sure you inform your orthopedic surgeon and your primary doctor so you can receive medicines that will not interfere with your orthopedic surgery. If you want your wounds to heal faster after your procedure, you need to cutback or quit smoking a few weeks before your procedure.
The evening before your operation, you will be instructed not to eat or drink anything at least 12 to 14 hours before your procedure. This will help to minimize any adverse reactions you may have to any anesthesia that is used. When you have food or liquids in your system, they interact with the anesthetics that are used and are often a major source of discomfort when you surgery is finished.
You may be given a special dose of the drug Celebrex. This is an ant-inflammatory drug that can greatly reduce the pain you will feel after your procedure. If you take Celebrex during the several days leading up to your operation, you will have less discomfort.
If you happen to fall ill or feel unwell any time during the two weeks leading up to your surgery date, you should contact your surgeon and let him know. Surgeons will not operate when there is an infection present; to do so can result in complications or death. Your procedure will need to be rescheduled. By following your doctor's orders exactly, you will have a speedy recovery after your uncomplicated surgery is done.