Recovering From a Face Lift: What To Expect
The face lift has given millions of people the chance to look much younger than they really are, or even match their looks to their actual age. Keeping yourself informed is the best thing you can do in preparation. Here is what to expect in the days of your recovery.
A quality doctor can give you results you will scarcely believe. Of course,

as with any form of plastic surgery, there are risks and there is a bit of recovery time involved. Keeping yourself informed is the best thing you can do in preparation. Here is what to expect in the days of your recovery.
For the most part, the face lift is done as an outpatient surgery. After the doctor has finished and you’ve been given a chance to come off the anesthesia under observation, you’ll be allowed to go home. You should have a ride lined up to both take you to and from your appointment on that day. In fact, some clinics will not even do the surgery unless you have someone waiting for you. It is also a good idea to have someone able to watch over you for those first few days when you may not feel up to doing much. Follow the doctor’s instructions as it pertains to medication, both pain and otherwise.
The initial recovery time will vary, depending on a number of factors. People will simply heal at different rates, for one thing. Other than that, the techniques used and the extensiveness of the surgery will play a part in how long it takes to heal. Whether you smoke or not can make a difference. In general terms, however, most people can expect to get back to work within ten days or so after their procedure. With proper pain medication, there should not be an undue amount of discomfort in those initial two weeks and certainly not after. Call your doctor if you feel as though you are experiencing more pain than normal.
Naturally, the initial healing time will be filled with activities you should refrain from. This may include vigorous exercise, sexual activity, and even intense housework. Your doctor will advise you as to when you can return to these activities, though it shouldn’t be longer than two weeks or so. There may be activities which will be prohibited for a longer period of time, such as any activity that could result in hard contact with your face or exposure to high levels of heat.