Saving Up For Botox
Considering using Botox to smooth your face to regain a youthful appearance, but are put off by the price? Here are some handy tips to save up for your injections.

also referred to by its scientific name of Clostridium Botulinum, has been used for many purposes over the years. It is derived from a food poisoning toxin which is detrimental to health in large doses, but helpful in the proper amounts. Some of its applications include stopping muscle spasms, alleviating pain associated with migraine headaches or TMJ, curtailing heavy armpit sweating, getting rid or crows’ feet and frown lines and reducing facial wrinkling. If Botox is used to treat a medical malady, health insurance may cover it. If it is used to relax a face free of wrinkles, it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure and the patient will have to foot the bill.
If a person is seeking Botox in order to create a younger appearance, how much does it cost? If one is on a tight budget, how can the cash be accumulated? The cost of the treatment will depend on the number of injections which are required. The number of injections will depend on the sites to be treated. Typically, one round of treatment will cost in the neighborhood of $400. This price tag, however, is approximate and will depend on the cosmetic surgeon as well as the region of the country in which it’s performed. One positive to consider is that, unlike most other cosmetic treatments, it does not require an anesthesiologist or an operating room fee. There will be no down time from work or loss of income due to extensive recovery periods, either.
Here are some ways to save up for your Clostridium Botulinum injections:
Curtail restaurant meals: Every restaurant meal costs on average $20 per person, from that $10 deli sandwich to that $30 salmon salad with glass of white wine. If a person regularly dines out four times each week, that’s $80. In only five weeks, there will be the necessary four-hundred dollars in the treatment fund.
Lower utility bills: Turn down the thermostat on the hot water heater, seal doors and windows with weather-stripping, and alter your indoor temperature by five degrees. In the winter, keep the thermostat at 68 degrees; in the summer, keep it at 82 degrees. Wear a sweater in the winter, plug in a fan in the summer and each month will result in a lower utility bill. Fifty dollars saved each month will add up to a wrinkle free face by the following season.
Buy seasonal fruits and veggies: Follow the season when buying fruits and veggies. Peaches, melons and strawberries are abundant and cheap during the summer. Acorn squash and pumpkins make great soups and stews in the winter. Feel like eating peaches in the winter when they’re $3 a pound? Don’t! Wait till summer and buy them for less than a dollar a pound. They’ll taste better and will allow the Botox piggy bank to fatten.
Don’t pay full retail prices: There are many alternatives to buying clothes at full price at the local mall. Buy off the clearance rack, at discount stores, or even second hand. There are many trendy boutiques stocked with gently worn designer duds. A wrinkle free facial appearance will look great in less expensive clothes. Paying $25 for an item which regularly costs $100 will net $75. One frugal shopping spree alone may save enough to pay for an entire Botox treatment.