A trip to the dentist is often recommended before surgery. Here are some things to think about.
When a patient is scheduled for surgery,

a trip to the dentist may be in order beforehand. Whether the operation is elective or non-elective, many physicians want their patient to have a full scale dental exam before showing up at the hospital. Many individuals would be puzzled by this request and wonder what their teeth have to do with other body parts. Here are some things to think about.
- Why is a dental examination important before a person goes in for an operation? Any type of operation puts a body under stress. If a patient is suffering from periodontal disease, chances are there’s an infection going on. When a body is fighting off an existing infection, it means that the immune system is already being taxed. Clearing up any sort of dental issues is a step toward a successful surgical outcome.
- What other conditions might be at play if a person’s oral health care has been neglected? Dentistry doesn’t just cure gingivitis and periodontal concerns, it affects the entire body. Clogged arteries, heart disease, complications from diabetes can all be occurring due to neglected cavities and conditions within the mouth. A person should be in tiptop physical shape before undergoing surgical procedures.
- What other steps can a person take to amp up his or her immune system before an operation? There are many steps that a patient can take pre-operatively. Eating a healthy diet complete with plenty of lean proteins, fresh veggies and fruits, whole grains and lots of water will keep all bodily systems functioning optimally, including the immune system. It’s wise to quit smoking cigarettes or being in the presence of second hand smoke in order to promote healing. It has been proven that a person who has been exposed to tobacco smoke is at a disadvantage when it comes to healing from disease or surgery. Drinking plenty of water and getting rest before the procedure will also make the patient more ready to go under the scalpel.
- What other tests and exams might a pre-op patient be required to go through? Laboratory testing is usually mandated before being anesthetized and taken to the surgical suites on a gurney. These lab tests usually consist of a blood test and a urinalysis. Doctors want to be certain that patients are as healthy as possible before asking their bodies to heal from something else.
- Are there any other requirements a surgeon might have before operating? A general health history questionnaire will likely be used to gather pertinent data. The patient will also be asked for a list of all prescription medications, herbal remedies and supplements as some surprising reactions may occur if the wrong substances are mixed.
When a patient is going to have surgery, he or she will want to be in the best physical shape possible in order to heal optimally. This includes a full dental screening at the family dentist, adhering to a healthy diet, undergoing laboratory testing and letting the doctor know about all medications, herbal remedies and supplements.
a person does it by themselves or hires a painter, they will be glad they did.