What is Considered General Dentistry

Jan 25


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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General dentistry covers a lot of ground. There are lots of reasons to schedule routine visits with your dentist, including getting biannual cleanings and fillings when necessary.

We all know about the things that a dentist can do for our teeth. This doctor not only helps keep them clean but he also works at restoring your smile. For the most part almost any dental hygienist can do these things for you but some require a specialist to handle. Figuring out whom to go see is only part of the problem. If you just need someone who specializes in general dentistry then you might be curious what services this professional will provide for you.

Of course the biggest service is cleaning. You should have your teeth cleaned at least once every six months. This will keep the plaque and tarter from building up and damaging your teeth. When you go in for a cleaning you might actually be seeing the dental hygienist but she is supervised by the doctor and he will come in and see you either just before or just after the work is completed. A clean healthy smile is important and that is the main job for these family practitioners. It's something that you don't need a specialist for and you can find them just about anywhere.

Another job that a doctor specializing in general dentistry will do is fillings and crowns. If you have a cavity then you need it taken care of. You don't have to go to a cosmetic dentist or an orthodontist to have the cavity taken care of. If anything that would be a waste of time and money to do. Just go to your normal doctor and he can make sure that it is filled so that it doesn't get any worse. Most of them use a filling that matches you tooth's color so that you don't have to worry about having a mouth full of metal.

Other basic oral health care services fall under the realm of general dentistry as well. If you need a root canal,What is Considered General Dentistry Articles this is something that can be done at this office. Other things such as tooth extractions, and x-rays are also something that these professionals can perform for you. If you are in need of something more such as oral surgery, then you might have to go to a specialist. Some family practitioners perform these procedures and some don't, you'll just have to speak to your doctor to find out.

There are a lot of things that fall under the umbrella of general dentistry. From cleanings to fillings these doctors can take care of all your basic needs. If it is out or their scope of work, they will refer you to someone who can.
