What To Expect When Getting A Tummy Tuck
The tummy tuck procedure reduces lower abdominal skin laxity and stretch marks, rashes due to overhanging skin, excessive abdominal wall fat, and much more.
The tummy tuck helps to re-contour and flatten the waist and abdomen by the removal of fat and excess skin,
and by tightening abdominal muscles. This procedure, also referred to as abdominoplasty, is especially beneficial for women who have muscle laxity, stretch marks, and loose skin from a previous pregnancy, as well as any individual that has loose bagging skin and excessive fat.
During your consultation to discuss information about an abdominoplasty, you can ask the plastic surgeon if they perform both full and mini tummy tuck procedures. The full procedure is used to remove excess skin. It can be performed on a heavier patent that has a thick roll of fat and skin as well as a thin patient that has crumpled skin or a lot of stretch marks. During this process, the surgeon will make a horizontal incision above your pubic area but the incision will be within the panty line. This scar can be easily covered by a bathing suit, clothing, or lingerie. You can ask the plastic surgeon if they use medical adhesive as opposed to stitches to minimize the scar appearance. It takes most patients 10-14 days to return back to work and 6-8 weeks to resume more strenuous activities.
Although the mini tummy tuck has some of the same qualities as the regular procedure, the patient gets a shorter incision with this version. This is ideal for individuals that have excess fat and skin that is situated primarily in the lower abdomen underneath the naval. Your surgeon may even be able to combine it with liposuction to achieve the best possible body contour for you. This procedure may involve you getting some swelling and bruising and you may have a small plastic drain that will be removed after a few days post-surgery. During your consultation with the surgeon to discuss this procedure, they will give you information on proper after-surgery care such as the wearing of a surgical garment for a few weeks. The recovery period is shorter than the full version, and you will be able to return to work within one week and resume activities that are more strenuous 4 to 6 weeks later.
If you are interested in a tummy tuck procedure, call and schedule an appointment with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon. During your consultation, the surgeon will provide you with all the information you need to prepare for the procedure and you can also find out if you are a good candidate.