You Need To Be Healthy For Plastic Surgery
If you're curious about your candidacy for plastic surgery, first and foremost you must be healthy. Read on to learn more about why it is important to qualify for surgery.
If you are unhappy with your current figure,
there are a lot of surgical options to consider. Plastic surgery is a great step to creating a new, transforming you into a more confident person. However, it is important to know that plastic surgery is not a fix for a flabby body. There is a common misconception that anyone is a good candidate for liposuction and other popular procedures for the body. It's just not true! The truth is that elective surgery is usually what puts the finishing touches on healthy bodies that need that extra help that diet and exercise can never change.
The best candidates for plastic surgery for the body are people who have already transformed their weight through diet and exercise or active people who have gone through life changes and now their bodies just don't have the ability to handle recovery without surgery. Consider a tummy tuck. This is the kind of procedure that takes excess skin and handles light liposuction and muscle repair around the abdomen. This is most common for men and women who have lost significant weight over a short period of time and now need to take care of the extra skin that is left over and the hardest fat to burn off - their oldest fat cells. It is also a great opportunity to recover from childbearing. When your body starts to return to normal it never goes back to the way it was. Surgery can help restore your figure.
Liposuction is another procedure with a slew of misconceptions surrounding it. It is not a weight loss solution. This is an extremely invasive procedure that has to carefully work around very delicate nerves and also be careful not to damage your muscles. For women considering liposuction for more than twenty pounds, your plastic surgeon will recommend loosing a portion of your excess weight before considering you for liposuction surgery.
Women considering breast augmentation plastic surgery need to know that your health plays a big factor in whether or not it is appropriate for their bodies. They may desire a size that is not well suited to their figure. They may have health issues that would compromise a smooth surgery making it a larger risk. A doctor may decline with you if he or she believes it would not be a good idea for you to increase the size of your breasts.
All plastic surgeries are elective surgeries. You need to be healthy in order to qualify. In many cases, you need to already live an active lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. It is a great solution when you have already done the hard work to change and you need help with the finishing touches impossible to reach on your own. Talk to you doctor about whether elective surgery is right for you now. They can recommend a colleague plastic surgeon or you can research one for yourself.