Professional long distance movers are invaluable to anyone who is moving across the country.
When it comes to moving,

many people decide to do the work on their own. Of course, they solicit the help of family members, associates and friends. However, they don't realize that the best bet would've been to hire professional long distance movers. Many times, they don't come to this conclusion until it's almost too late.
Kathryn recently got offered a new job that would cause her to move thousands of miles away from her apartment in New York City to a condominium in California. During the seven years that she was in New York, she had accumulated a lot of things. Her friends even dubbed her the "junk lady." However, it didn't matter to her; that is until it was time to make a move across the country.
"It's going to take me forever to get all of this stuff packed and out of here," Kathryn said to her friend Raven.
"Of course it is silly," she said. "That's what professional long distance movers are for."
"That's nice and all Raven, but I didn't plan on using a moving company," Kathryn said. "That's what I have friends for."
Raven paused for a moment, because she couldn't believe what she had just heard.
"You are kidding right?" she asked. "You don't possibly think that me, you and whoever else you might be thinking of can get all of your stuff packed and transported to California."
"I don't see why not," said Kathryn. "It's going to be fun. Besides, it will surely save me a lot of money, because those professional long distance movers can be quite expensive."
After a few days had passed, Kathryn was finally able to gather enough friends to help her with her moving process.
"Okay guys, here we go," she said to the group. "Thank you all so much for deciding to help out. So, let's go ahead and get started."
After about 30 minutes of non-stop packing, Kathryn went around to check on everyone. While she was making her rounds she noticed that her dresser had been damaged, one of her China plates had been cracked and one of the walls had been dented. Along with having to process the fact that her items had been damaged, she now had to deal with the fact that she would also have to pay to repair the wall before she moves out.
Kathryn tried to contain her anger, but she realized that everyone was volunteers and they couldn't possibly live up to her expectations as movers. So, she sucked it up, calmly told everyone to be more careful and regretted the fact that she didn't take her friend's advice and hire professional long distance movers.