Auto fill forms feature is one of the latest developments in the field of software products. Form filler software makes auto fill forms feature most easy-to-use and effective
Auto fill forms is quite a useful feature. In the Internet, there are many places where you must enter some data. You enter your name and password, and you have to provide your personal data in order to register on resources you need, when you subscribe, etc. In all these cases, we are dealing with so-called web forms, which serve as a bridge between our computer and the server on which these data are sent. Browsers can help with form filling but there are password managers that can do it much more effective and convenient.
Form filler - one of the latest developments in the field of software products that help automate the work with web forms. Program supports all the most common features of auto fill forms applications, it also contains a number of features that can help automate the work with web forms, registrations at various resources, when you make orders in stores, etc. d. At the same time form filler software requires a minimum of participation from the user in this process.
With the help of the program, you can configure all the necessary fields to fill the forms data in the future. For example, pre-enter the name, date of birth, field of employment, your country, information about the company, products, etc. The presence of pre-entered data can save time in the Internet. No need to hurry while being on the web to enter a lot of necessary information, the security of which, moreover, is not guaranteed when you are online.
When a page contains the unknown web form, program can fill some fields that are already in the active profile. However, it is likely that not all the fields in the form will be filled out. Then the user can fill out remaining fields in the form to the end and save them. Auto fill forms program will store new data from this form and the next time you visit this page, this form will be filled completely automatically. In addition, at any time you can change something in the registration data of the auto form filling utility. This greatly enhances the simplicity of working with forms.
One of such form filler softwareis Handy Password. Program allows you to generate and automatically fill in user names and passwords, the program has built-in bookmark manager and random password generator. Auto fill formssoftware Handy Password works as a panel for Internet Explorer and Firefox. You can carry program on a flash drive to enjoy all its useful features on any computer and auto fill forms.
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