Family Attorney - Tips For Fathers Seeking Child Custody

Nov 20


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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Although difficult, a family attorney can help a father successfully gain joint or full custody of their child. However, it will take a concerted effort to win a judge over.

Fathers seeking to gain custody of their children need the assistance of a specialized family attorney. While there has been an increase in custody being granted to males in recent years,Family Attorney - Tips For Fathers Seeking Child Custody Articles the odds are still stacked in the mother's favor whether rightfully so or not. That doesn't mean you should give up the fight. With some preparation and a strong lawyer, you have a reasonable chance of gaining custody, especially if it is in the best interest of the child.

To be a good candidate for gaining custody, you must be involved in not only the legal process, but their daily lives as well. That means you may have to leave work early to pick them up if they're sick at school or for a parent-teacher conference. You should also be sure to get involved with other aspects of the child's life such as medical or dental appointments. Act as you would if you did have sole custody (within your current court order), and you will be in a much stronger position than if you were to take a more passive role.

Keep legal matters and your relationship with the other parent strictly business. That means refrain from making personal comments and discussing any issues outside of standard parental dealings both in front of your child and with your former partner, unless you have your family attorney present. This can be difficult if emotions are running high, but you have to play it cool. If the other party becomes emotional, difficult to deal with, or argumentative - don't get involved. If they deny you visitation or other rights, contact the courts rather than getting into a yelling match. It can be stressful, but it will be worth it in the end.

Even if you are the more suitable parent, you have to prove it to the judge. One way to do that is through self-improvement. If you have financial troubles, get an advisor and start to pay down your debts. If your home is not appropriately sized, located, or setup for family life - make it your priority to move or remodel. Even something as seemingly trivial as losing weight and getting in better shape will put you in a better light. Become a positive role model and you'll easily shine during the hearing.

Being late, even by a few minutes, is something that will read poorly to a judge. How you prioritize your time is very telling, so make it your main concern to pick up and drop off your child for visitations at the appointed time, or call ahead if there are any problems. Keep tabs of your former partner's timing as well. You'll reduce friction between all parties and show that you're willing to do what it takes.

How can you expect your family attorney to create an argument for you without any evidence? Save important documents including photos, receipts, and even ticket stubs to events attended with your child. Provide support and tangible facts and you will put yourself in a favorable position.
