If you want to brand yourself as a MLM expert, generate targeted leads and profits for your network marketing business. Here’s how to do it using article marketing.
Article marketing is an important tool to have when it comes to generating traffic for your network marketing business.
It’s all about writing informative and helpful articles which will be submitted to article directories. These article directories have a team of editors who have to approve your article before it can be shown. An article’s approval is based on its relevancy,

its grammar and vocabulary, whether is it informative enough and not to ‘sales pitchy’, and whether it not it is the appropriate length (about 400-750 words is usually fine).
One of the main reasons why article marketing is so effective is that it is capable of generating really long-term traffic. So when you submit an article to an article directory, you are gaining all the benefits of viral marketing. But just how does this viral marketing technique work?
It works like this: When your article gets approved by the editors, people will be able to find your articles on their search engines. If your article is written well, people can even republish the article (as long as they keep the information intact without altering it and quoting where they get the published article from).
And the people who republish your articles will also keep your bio box intact – which is where you get to sell yourself and let loads more people know who you are and where you are.
Once people start republishing your articles, you will get traffic from sources everywhere and others will be doing your marketing for you – this is what is meant by creating a viral effect.
Of course, the first thing you need to do is write your article! Or you can pay someone else to do it for you. Look for freelancers on elance.com or getafreelancer.com. You can find someone to write your article from as little as $5 to $10.
Make sure the article you are submitting contains good grammar. You don’t need have a master’s degree in English literature to write a good article, but it does help if English is your first language – so look out for this when hiring freelancers. Make sure you don’t have blatant mistakes and you should be okay.
Your article needs to be written as an educational or informational piece and not a sales pitch. Most article directories frown at people who try to do blatant promotion on directories, so try to be as neutral as possible.
Of course, you can ‘sell’ yourself, you can do so in your author’s bio box.
Following is a list of directories where you can submit your articles:
1) EzineArticles.com
2) GoArticles.com
3) Buzzle.com/
4) IdeaMarketers.com
5) ArticleDashboard.com
6) Articlealley.com
7) Articlecube.com
8) Amazines.com
9) Searchwarp.com
In order to generate massive leads for your network marketing business, make sure your article educates people about your product. Or even try to share tips on how to get more network marketing leads.
Submit 4-7 articles per week or if possible, 1-2 articles per day. This does not mean that you have to commit to writing 4-7 articles, because if you can’t write them you can just outsource.
When searching for an article writer don’t give up too soon if you can’t find any good one initially. Sometimes you need a few try before you can get really good writers to write for you.
Keep to your article marketing plan and you will soon be able to see a lot of consistent targeted traffic.