I recently received a letter addressed to Spectacular Rachelle Lee. At first I thought it was a joke. Who would write such a thing? I then thought maybe it was a mistake. Whatever it was, I knew it did not feel comfortable. It turned out to be an advertisement, for what I am not even sure. What I am sure of is that the way it was addressed caught my attention, and I realized how difficult it can be to own just how spectacular I am.
We are all spectacular, but how often do we own it? Would we really go around calling ourselves spectacular, brilliant or wonderful? But how many of us call ourselves other names? When you make a mistake, forget a friend's birthday, or in other ways act human, how often do you launch into names like stupid, idiot or worse? Those seem, in some ways, to be more comfortable words, but to call ourselves more positive adjectives is challenging.
I am guessing that most of us have a difficult time owning how spectacular we are because we were told things like “Don't blow your own horn!”, and “Don't brag!”. However, as I am fond of saying, it isn't bragging if it is true, and it is true that all of us have qualities that can be described as spectacular, fabulous and more. We simply have to own it.
If you were to receive a letter addressed using a positive adjective that would describe you, what would it be? I have grown quite fond of Spectacular, but you might like another word such as marvelous, beautiful, or stunning. My guess is whatever word makes you the most uncomfortable is the one you should use. I say that because most likely that is the quality most difficult for you to own. Well, it is time not just to own it, but to become it. Once you embrace the most wonderful parts of who you are, you will find it easier to name them, own them, and share them with the rest of the world.
There Are Always More Nos Than Yeses
Although it may not seem true, if we think about it, we will come to realize that there are always more nos than yeses. We will be turned down more often than not. The good news is that the more nos we get the more the yeses will increase. It is a numbers game. The more often we ask the more our chances of success increase.You Can't Have An Intelligent Conversation With Everyone
Intelligent conversation is one of life's pleasures. I love nothing better than to engage in conversation with someone who has ideas to share, different perspectives, and is interesting. An intelligent conversation is food for the brain. All too sadly, not everyone can carry on an intelligent conversation. This has less to do with their intelligence quotient (IQ) than with their emotional quotient (EQ). Only a self-aware, self-confident person with excellent social skills has the ability to engage in intelligent conversation.Don't Be Jealous - Be Inspired
When we see people do things we cannot do, or have things we don't have, it might be tempting to be a little jealous. But, jealousy doesn't lead to anything except resentment, and that isn't going to help you. Instead of being jealous of others, focus on being inspired. Let the success of others move you forward toward your own success. After all, people who are doing things you want to do or have things you want are examples of what is possible for you.