How to Catch the Right Lover But the Wrong Man
Some cultures change drastically over time. China is experiencing the emancipated, freedom seeking young woman--smart, sexy, educated, talented, independent, luxury orientated, and having a penchant for foreign men. The young modern Chinese woman also asserts her sexual freedom, and she lavishes sex on the man she falls in love with. But independence and freedom prevail over her love for a man when she discovers that he is not able to live up to her expectations concerning wealth.
May there be anyone out there curious about the young,

modern Chinese woman? She exists. She is well educated and independent. She lives in a big metropolis, and usually has her own business or a high paying job. Her love interest is often a well heeled foreigner of a Western culture. She is amply portrayed in Annie Wang's fascinating and revealing book The People's Republic of Desire.
Since the emergence of modern, industrialized China, Chinese women have access to a higher education, freedom, including sexual freedom, and ambitions that their predecessors, who were forced to hobble around on bound feet, could not have dreamed of. The young, modern Chinese woman seeks independence and material wealth. When she seeks a man, he must be able to provide her a life of love and material comfort. She often has a penchant for foreign men, mostly Englishmen and Americans. Through her own success and striving for the good life, she has become spoiled by the comforts of life she has created for herself. However, in the search for love, sex and the dream man, she may sometimes make a mistake.
This is the story of Li Juan--young, beautiful, educated and independent. She is the female protagonist of Uta Christensen's latest novel Tough as Fine Silk, Escape from Beijing. Juan thinks she has found the man of her dreams in Michael Sorensen, a young American who works as an electronics engineer in Beijing. He is handsome, amiable, fluent in her language and a perfect gentleman, all attributes that are very attractive to Juan. Intelligent, gorgeous, sociable and educated in China's long history, Juan is the star attraction at Beijing's elegant Blue Moon night club. She is the club owners' most precious asset.
The day Juan chooses to revisit the Great Wall at Badaling north of Beijing, she trips on a steep staircase. As she is about to fall, Michael, a stranger then, steps in the path of her fall and rescues her from severe injury or death. This life threatening incident brings them together.
Sometime later Juan decides to leave the Blue Moon for a day job to spend more time with Michael. Shortly thereafter, with seeming intent, a hit-and-run accident totals Michael's BMW. He is shaken but unharmed. When Juan hears about the accident, she is terrified. She believes that it may be her former bosses who mean Michael harm and possibly her as well.
The couple hastily flees Beijing. Leaving everything behind, they embark on a long train journey from Beijing in the north to Guangzhou in the south that takes them, with Juan's guidance, through China's fascinating ancient imperial and recent past. As they distance themselves from Beijing and begin to feel safe, the couple falls passionately in love. Michael has every intention to take Juan with him to America, but, ultimately, it is independent and goal oriented Juan who causes events to take unexpected and traumatic turns.