Within two years, according to research commissioned by AKSA, the newly formed American Kite Surfing Association, 12% of the sport will be enjoyed by gays and lesbians.
In the largest survey of extreme sports enthusiasts ever conducted, TR Cutler, Inc., revealed that members of the community are increasingly interested in kite surfing. This demographic trend follows the trend established in water surfing nearly forty years ago.
Several of the manufacturers are behind the curve of this trend and are just starting to recognize the gay extreme sports market.
2006 2008
Gay 6% 12%
Straight 94% 88%
Logan Long, President and Co-founder of the AKSA said, “This organization is about inclusion. Many of the old-timers in the sport are arrogant and try to exclude the efforts of new participants. AKSA is about welcoming everyone to the sport of kite surfing regardless of experience level, race, ethnicity, gender, or orientation. We believe kite surfing is a great sport for anyone who loves thrills and adventure.”
American Kite Surfing Association (AKSA) is the leading organization for kite surfers in North America. Founded in 2006 by two extreme sport enthusiasts, membership is anticipated to exceed 30,000 before the end of the year. The purpose of the enterprise is to bring heightened awareness to this fast-growing, dynamic, and fun sport. A vast array of information, products, and techniques are available to the visitors of the AKSA website, www.kite-surfingusa.com. After more than a decade of popularity through Europe and Australia, active North American extreme sport athletes are recognizing the maximum adrenaline rush through kite surfing.
This dramatic interest in the athletically demanding sport has given AKSA founders encouragement about the value of their newly founded organization. AKSA will select 50 leading industry product manufacturers to highlight and profile throughout an extensive national media outreach campaign.
Cathi Long
Executive VP
American Kite Surfing Association
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