Read about the role of stress in life of a soccer player.
The roots of stress are actually lying in our perceptions. It is our reaction to threats,

fears and disturbing stimulus. We care for things, but perceive that others will not be able to. They will harm or will affect us in a negative way. This perception disturbs our mental and physical balance.
Stress level can differ in different people because of their personalities. The ability and will-power also matters in this case. There are three types of consequences of stress:
1. Psychological2. Physiological3. Behavioral
As a result, people may face: sweaty palms, nausea, headache, blood pressure, red cheeks, dizziness, trembling, bad mood, harsh behavior, anxiety, hostile, depression, worries, suicides, heart attack and apathy, etc… nowadays, soccer players are facing high levels of stress. Why? Because most of the players seem to achieve more with less effort!
Generally, we consider that stress is bad. It should be avoided, but it is a wrong perception. It depends on the level of stress. Stress can be constructive if the level of stress is moderate. If the level of stress is very high or very low, it is destructive. It has a direct negative effect on the performance. You can analyze yourself with a help of stress graph.
Let’s analyze the positive role of balanced stress (optimum stress level) in life of a soccer player:
• Stress is helpful in increasing performance
If a player will not be stressed, he will not be motivated to win the game. He will not be able to perform well while playing soccer live as a result, he will not struggle to achieve his goals.
• Stress improves the immune system
Studies proved that stress can be useful for the body’s immune system. Stress hormone can increase the level of immunity.
• Stress act as a trigger to solve problem
If you are facing a problem and you do not care about that problem in other words, you are not stressed out because of the problem; you will not put your efforts to resolve it.
• It increases stamina
Greater and greater stamina is must for a soccer player. Stress triggers the emotions of winning and achieving the goals, which in turn increases the stamina of a player. You can say stress motivates.
• It develops creativity
Creativity needs a trigger or you can say: “motivation”. As described earlier that stress motivates, so it is also a reason to enhance the creativity level.
• Increased tolerance for high stress
A player can learn positivity and techniques to manage him in case of high stress thus he develops high tolerance for it.
The negative effects of stress are already highlighted above. Now, when a player is well aware from the effects of stress, he or she should check his levels of stress to balance stress and get benefit from it in their lives. While playing soccer live, a player can also learn many lessons for life. Managing stress is also a great lesson for a player to learn by playing soccer.