Desperate to Lose Weight The diet industry has made $61 billion dollars this year simply because people are desperate to find a diet pill that works. Exploitation is the diet industry’s job. They are in the business to make money and what better way to make money than off the vulnerability of overweight people desperate to find a quick fix for their obesity dilemma?
Weight Loss for Idiots is for Smart People
When the series of “Dummies” books came out, I was deeply offended. As I stood in Barnes & Nobles looking at the cover of “Accounting for Dummies” I thought, “Who would buy a book that insinuated that they were dumb?” I said I would never buy a book like that because then everyone would know I was a dummy. That was 10 years ago. I got over it and bought my first “dummy” book. Then the “idiot” line of books came out. “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”, “Weight Loss for Idiots”Investigative Report: Hoodia Gordonii Side Effects Dangerous
Battle of the Diet PillsWhen I first heard the name Hoodia Gordonii, I thought it was the name of a magician. Don’t laugh, it really does sound like it could be the name of a magician. But after listening to the buzz in the diet world, I gained clarity as to the meaning of this phenomenon that has been fueling the fires in the battle of the diet pills. Hoodia Gordonii is supposed to be the Holy Grail of diet pills. Like its predecessors, it has come under severe scrutiny. Hoodia Gordonii side effects outweigh its benefits.