Harnessing Your Creativity For Better Blogging
As a blogger your creativity can play a significant role in how popular your site becomes! This is NOT to say being creative is a requirement for being a good blogger but rather it can help you get more traffic! Read further to discover 5 ways in which applying a little creativity in your blogging efforts can help you get more people to your site!
As a blogger your creativity can play a significant role in how popular your site becomes! This is NOT to say being creative is a requirement for being a good blogger but rather it can help you get more traffic! It's important to realize just how many blogs can be found on the internet today and in many cases the best way to create a buzz and get noticed is by being unique!
Let's explore 5 ways in which applying a little creativity in your blogging efforts can help you get more traffic!
Telling Your Story
This a great way to engage readers from the start! A good blogger never overlooks the importance of the 'about' page where they can tells readers a little bit about the person 'behind' the content! Weaving real-life aspects about your own background with how they are relevant to what you blog about and why,

is a great way to strike a connection with visitors!
Presenting Your Content
Once again drawing from real life experiences, current news, your opinions or even humor offers you a great way to present content that is both unique and intriguing! The key is to present your updates in a way that makes it easy to understand your point while maintaining a relevancy to the subject matter! When blogging it's helpful to consider yourself more of a 'story-teller' insofar as always trying to both inform and entertain! For the most part it is how you deliver your message that helps create a buzz more so than the substance of what you wrote!
Site Design
Part of being a good blogger is to also 'concern' yourself with how your site 'appears' to people when they arrive! Is it cluttered with ads or is it offer a more clean and crisp design that's easy to navigate? Ideally you'll want a design that reflects you and your topic but doesn't distract readers from the reason they landed on your site in the first place which is to view your content! Depending upon your chosen theme you can either offer a layout that is upbeat and fun or perhaps understated and professional! Having the right site design can help you get more traffic while also encouraging current visitors to return time and again!
Your Approach to Problems
There is usually a solution for just about every problem you may encounter but developing a solution with a creative flair can make you stand out more! Perhaps your platform is not getting enough comments left or maybe you've just flat out ran out of writing ideas! In either case enlisting the use of your creative skills can help present something 'unique' to viewers that may help create a buzz or even encourage more commenting! Of course the more you can get people talking about what you wrote the easier it may be to get more traffic through the positive buzz your efforts have created!
Getting the Word Out
How you promote your site is OBVIOUSLY very important since without traffic, you got no readers, no purpose, dwindling motivation and little reason to continue blogging! In order to get more traffic you need to devise strategies that will not only increase your exposure but also entice people to follow the link to your blog! Being seen online takes a bit of effort but remember increasing your exposure will only help you to get more traffic provided people are intrigued enough to visit your site! What you say to viewers when encouraging them to visit your site must create a buzz or interest otherwise they'll simply bounce!
Although your creativity is not necessarily a prerequisite to being a good blogger, if applied correctly it will definitely help to create a buzz! The key to having a popular blog starts with first getting noticed and than holding the interest of those who land on your platform! This increases the chances these people will return thus allowing you to earn their loyalty! Once you have a steady following, word gets out helping you get more traffic and hopefully more loyal followers! Possessing a creative 'spark' and applying it in any or all of the ways reviewed above can help you to create a buzz online! By doing so you're better able to stand out and get noticed which is one of the biggest challenges blogging may offer! What's your opinion in terms of the competitive advantage a creative mind may have when vying for the attention of blog readers online?