Twitter - How to Write Tweets That Get Peeps to Take Action

Jun 21


Michele PW Pariza Wacek

Michele PW Pariza Wacek

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Probably the biggest question I get asked is if social networking is worth it or a big waste of time. Well, if you're doing social networking to make money, and you aren't making money, then it most certainly is a waste of time. If you¹re on Twitter then here are 3 more tips to make those tweets as compelling and persuasive as possible.


Probably the biggest question I get asked is if social networking is worth it or a big waste of time. Well,Twitter - How to Write Tweets That Get Peeps to Take Action Articles if you're doing social networking to make money, and you aren't making money, then it most certainly is a waste of time.

So, how do you make money with social networking? A lot depends on the words you use and how you interact with your friends and followers. Today I'm going to focus specifically on Twitter.

Remember, for Twitter you only have 140 characters including spaces for every tweet. That means every character counts so use them wisely.

Here are 3 more tips to make those tweets as compelling and persuasive as possible.

1. Get your personality in there. The beauty of social networking is it's driven by relationships. You build relationships by letting people see who you really are. That means showcasing your personality.

The more people can get a sense of your personality, the more they'll decide if they like you or not. And the more they know, like and trust you, the more likely they'll become your customers.

In addition, people don't like to be sold to. If your tweets sound canned or not authentically from YOU, they'll be turned off. And turned off people are not likely to buy from you.

2. Give and you shall receive. The more you give, and do things for other people, the more it will come back to you. You spend your time helping other people, the more they'll help promote your products and services, the more likely they'll go check out what you offer and if it's a match, the more likely they'll buy.

If all you do is push your own stuff on Twitter, you're not going to get very far. You need to spend most of your time doing things for other people. Then, when you do promote yourself, people will take notice and be more likely to act.

3. Be entertaining. There's an old quote in the copywriting world that you can't bore anyone into buying something. (I think it was David Ogilvy who first said it.) Same goes for Twitter. You can't bore people into building and maintaining a relationship with you. You can't bore people into promoting your products or events. And you can't bore people into buying your products.

Now this doesn't mean you have to a stand-up comic. Sure this is easier if writing short, pithy statements comes naturally to you. But don't forget Tip #1 -- stay true to your personality. We're all interesting in our own way, even if you're not a stand-up comic.

The key here is to be entertaining in your own unique and personal way. What, you don't think you're entertaining? You have friends, right? You go out to dinner with them, right? What do you talk about? You're entertaining them or they wouldn't want to go dinner with you.

So entertain your twitter followers the same way. And the ones who respond to that will respond to you. And as they get to know you, they'll move to like and trust. And that leads to them becoming your customers.