Sexual Problems in Men and Delayed Ejaculation

Dec 28


Vanni Jain

Vanni Jain

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Read in this article about sexual problems in men and delayed ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation is very common among men. However,Sexual Problems in Men and Delayed Ejaculation Articles it is not the only dysfunction which troubles men. Delayed ejaculation is also considered to be the most common sex problems in men. This is a condition which will take an extended period for men to reach the sexual climax and for releasing the semen from the penis. With this problem, there are various cases wherein the man is not able to ejaculate at all.  This condition will not be much of a problem due to premature ejaculation. However, untold hardships can be caused by delayed ejaculation to the man as well as his sexual partner. 10 to 15 minutes are required by an average woman for reaching the climax.

1. Delayed ejaculation can be caused by deficiency in some hormones. However, hormone deficiency will remain uncertain due to erectile dysfunction.

2. It is important for determining whether normal ejaculation can be experienced by a man through masturbation. If this can be achieved, it means that he has psychological problems.  However, there should be some surety about the exact sources of sex with other partners and masturbation. Many a times, a person is concerned about ejaculation during masturbation. However, a problem will not be adduced to his sexual partner.

3. Sometimes, sex problems in men are caused due to external factors such as drug abuse or alcoholism. A person must take proper steps for eliminating the problem. It is important to have a prompt recognition to the problem. Only then, an appropriate therapy can be attempted.

4. Sometimes, various kinds of chronic sexual infections are not treated properly. Thus, an infection such as gonorrhea, syphilis etc can be caused due to the micro organisms. This is very dangerous and powerful. Adequate amount of treatment is very essential. Usually, it is believed by the victim that everything is over.

5. Depending on the composition of the body, some drugs are considered to be very harmless. However, it seems that some people are not harmed while damage is caused to some.

6. There are many environmental factors that interfere a lot with sexual functioning. Delayed ejaculation is affected by some of these factors. Sometimes, there is absence of private place. Thus, a man is frightened and cannot participate completely in sexual intercourse. However, this condition acts as an alarm for changing the environment. The situation will surely be normalized after that.

Thus, the sex problems in men and delayed ejaculation must be treated at  the earliest.