When your child starts eating solid foods make a huge step towards independence. Now eating habits are formed.
Babies tend to respect the daily meal program sooner and will have no trouble adjusting if the food that is offered is healthy.
Baby's immature digestive system cannot very well use starch in the first few months,

much is eliminated unchanged in the stool. Starch is found in most vegetables and cereals. After 6 months your baby's digestive system is more ready to digest solid foods. So get ready for more fun, food mess and stains.
After several studies over time, concluded that solid foods is required around the age of 4 months. After 4-5 months, the milk cannot cover all their nutritional needs. Thus it becomes mandatory introduction of bulkier foods that come with added vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibers and more carbohydrates and lipids.
Apple is introduced into baby's diet at age of 4-6 months (boiled or stewed) and at 8 months using raw pieces. Experts believe that Jonathan and Golden apple varieties are among the best, but obviously you can also choose other variety, according to your preferences and possibilities.
It is very important to establish a schedule, because at this age, babies can quickly form wrong habits, which worry nutritionists. Children consume more and more meat, more sweets, highly processed industrial foods, fried and salty foods.
Still very early are formed the preference for high-fat foods. Studies have shown that many cases of obesity are due to a diet with a high content of calories (many sweets and fats) and have their origin in childhood.
At the age of 6 months are recommended only gluten-free cereals. You can give your baby rice cereal base. Choose cereals fortified with iron and avoid those with added sugar. Check on the back of cereal boxes how to prepare, because sometimes is different from one brand to another.
The most digestible meats for infant are beef, veal, poultry, fish, calf liver, beef and chicken (which is recommended only after 7 months). Fatty meats, meat from an old animal, lamb, pork or venison are no recommended in any form.
Passed rice with cheese after 6 months can already serve as a meal. After 10 months, the child can eat cheese in amounts of 20-25 g, mixed with a teaspoon of honey or sour cream. Eggs have an important caloric contribution (100 calories / egg) and are rich in iron. It contains highly assimilable nutrients. Starting with sixth month is introduced progressively just the yolk.
Since the age of 9 months, mouth acquires sensory organ function and the baby is able to chew food.