How the sex education in school is helpful?
Read in this article about how the sex education in school is helpful.
Now days it is very important to have sex education in schools so that the children could get proper information and can have right attitudes about this normal activity of life for which they have so many questions in mind but there is no body to answer. Ideally children question their parents about everything but any question regarding sex when asked to the parents is either not answered to satisfy their quest or is ignored by the parents. The topic of sex is still not discussed the way other topics are discussed in our society. There is no point to think that sex education is only needed for the children rather sex education for adults is also very important to help them shape their life in a better way and it helps them to become good parents too.
There are certain problems which could be taken care of properly if sex education in schools could be incorporated. There are lots of debates being held and one can find several opinions supporting as well as discarding the use of sex education in schools. The problems which could be addressed well if sex education for adults and children could be arranged are-
- Sexual abuse – Mostly the children and young ones are the victims
- Sexual exploitation –Mostly the kids and the teenagers especially the girls are the victims
- Teenage pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy- Many young girls die due to this
- Sexually transmitted diseases- Many teenagers and youths get involved in the unprotected sex to have fun and become the victim of various sexually transmitted diseases,
HIV and AIDS. The number of STDs are increasing day by day
- Abortion- Many young girl die and their future life get ruined because of the improper way of abortion
Sex is a normal activity of life and it should an activity of fun and enjoyment. If right sex education for adults can be imparted they could take many decisions of their life properly such as when to have child, how to have protected sex, how to control birth, and how much gap should be there between two children etc. All these will make their social and economical life stable. If sex education in school is given then children will also learn how to have better relationships, more about commitments of love, about marriage, partners and what are the various religious and cultural aspects of sex.