A time tested slimming tea, the green tea

Aug 25


Dr. Tea

Dr. Tea

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The article describes the health benefits of green tea and also looks back at its origin and history.


Millions of people around the globe have found a gentle yet effective cure for the extra kilos that gave them sleepless nights worrying over the possible health risks- slimming tea. Two cups of slimming tea a day and the worries of a possible heart attack or silent killers like diabetes or hyper tension are over,A time tested slimming tea, the green tea Articles that too without sweating it out for hours in a gym or on the lonely roads. A tea that reduces the body fat seems to be quite a recent phenomenon and yet it has been used by man for ages in some form or the other.

Green tea is perhaps the oldest form of slimming tea used by the mankind. References are found as early as third centuryBC regarding its use and benefits, especially for fat burning. Green tea is derived from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis that have gone through the minimum of oxidation during processing. It has now been scientifically proved that regular intake of green tea can lower the risk of heart diseases and some types of cancer. As pure green tea may not be very effective as a slimming tea as it doesn’t increase the body metabolism to the required levels but green tea extracts rich in polyphenols and caffeine induce thermogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation boosting the metabolic rate without increasing the heart rate and are thus quite effective in reducing the body fat. Its health benefits have made green tea a popular choice as it is now not only used extensively as a pure brew but has become a raw material for extracts which are used in various brews, nutrition supplements, health foods and also many natural cosmetic items.

Green tea originates in China but later many cultures in Asia including Japan and India adopted it. It has pervaded the western society only in the recent past where people have traditionally been using the black tea. Only a few regions in Portugal produce green tea otherwise this slimming tea still belongs geographically to Asian region.

Green tea has been used in several countries like China, Japan, Korea and Thailand for thousands of years as a brew and as a medicine. Traditionally it has been used to control bleeding and heal wounds, improve digestion and cure certain stomach infections and to regulate body temperature and controlling blood sugar levels.

Decaffeinated green tea has recently been introduced and it promises to be an even bigger asset since it can also be consumed by those who are sensitive to caffeine and we soon may see it being used as a slimming tea by people across all the continents.