All exercise is not equal. Learn how to exercise properly in ways that will help you lose weight and feel fit and healthy. Get these great tips on what works and what doesn't.
Why do people find it so hard to stick to an exercise program? Often there are many common mistakes that people make which cause them to feel frustrated and lose motivation. Here are my top 5:
ONE: Working TOO Hard
It's always exciting when you decide to get fit and begin a new exercise regime. This initial burst of excitement and motivation is great,

but sometimes it can lead to over training. There IS such a thing as too much of a good thing. In fact, we all have an optimal 'fat-burning zone'. If you want to burn fat, you need to be working within 60 to 80% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is determined by your age, and you can find the formula to calculate this on the internet; there are even some online calculators that give you the exact figure. Once you know this, you can make sure that you adjust your workout level to increase or decrease your heart rate accordingly.
Why work harder than you need to, when you can work out at a comfortable rate and lose weight at the same time? Don't make the mistake of going too hard too quickly, or you may end up burning sugar instead of fat. With any form of exercise, you should be able to hold a conversation while you are working out. If you are out of breath, you are probably working too hard. On the other hand, a leisurely stroll in the park while sucking back a double-chocolate ice cream will not get you the results you want either. The trick is to find a happy medium.
TWO: Slacking Off
Not all exercise equal. As I mentioned before, you need to find an optimum level of exercise that suits your age and fitness. Anything less will be a waste of time, so just turning up at the gym and having a chat with a few friends will not get you the results you are after. Many gyms offer personal programs to help you determine your optimum level of exercise. Work with these experts - they are there to help you!
THREE: Setting Too Big a Goal
If you have never exercised before, you might be tempted to set a goal that is too big for you. In her first session with me, 'Cathy' was pumped and ready to go. She was going to join a gym and work out at least 5 days a week for one hour at a time. Even though I could see that she was very keen, I gently suggested that she take baby steps and maybe commit to 2 times a week to start with. Why did I do this? Because I wanted her to succeed.
You see, 'Cathy' had not exercised regularly in 15 years. I mean not so much as a walk in the park. I was worried that she might become discouraged and give up very quickly had she committed to her original goal. A small goal that is achievable is much more effective than a huge goal that is not. You know how to lose weight. Now it's time to give yourself the best chance of success. Start small and build up to big.
FOUR: Same Old Same Old
Look around you and see how many people are really getting a quality workout. Most of the time you'll see people reading a magazine while slowly strolling on the treadmill. Like that's going to do anything!! Let's get real. If you want to lose weight, you need to do some serious exercise - and that takes commitment and the will to succeed.
You can still have fun; but you also need to focus on what you are doing and increase the quality of every movement. The best way to exercise is to find something you like to do, rather than something you 'must' do. What do you truly enjoy doing? Are you interested in dance? Do you like team sports? Take up something that inspires you and gives you a great cardio workout at the same time. Exercise can be fun so enjoy yourself and mix it up a little.
FIVE: Expecting Instant Results
There are usually a couple of reasons why people give up on their exercise routine. The first is not having time (or rather believing they do not have time) to commit to the effort it takes to become fit and lose weight. The second is not seeing results quickly enough. In our society of instant gratification, many people want it all and they want it right now.
But at the end of the day, if you want to lose weight, it's important to see the bigger picture. If you want to avoid being frustrated, you will need to become a tortoise....slow and steady wins the race. Remember, you did not gain those extra kilos overnight and similarly, you will need to be realistic about losing it. Have patience, persevere and you will always come out a winner.