Weight loss: a side effect of the breathing self-oxygenation therapy

Jun 12


Artour Rakhimov

Artour Rakhimov

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Imagine a holistic therapy where obese and underweight people follow the same ideas and both groups naturally normalize their weight. This holistic therapy is based on measuring body oxygenation stores using the stress-free version of the breath holding time test: after your usual exhalation, observe how long you can hold your breath without stress...


Imagine a holistic therapy where obese and underweight people follow the same ideas and both groups naturally normalize their weight. This holistic therapy is based on measuring body oxygenation stores using the stress-free version of the breath holding time test: after your usual exhalation,Weight loss: a side effect of the breathing self-oxygenation therapy   Articles observe how long you can hold your breath without stress.

People with chronic diseases always have reduced body oxygenation due to their … too deep and frequent breathing pattern. Indeed, dozens of western studies proved that sick people, with heart disease, asthma, diabetes, and many other conditions, breathe about 2-3 times more air than the medical norm. Indeed, you can easily observe heavy and noisy breathing in the sick. As a result, they lose too much CO2 and this causes constrictions of blood vessels and the suppressed Bohr effect. Hence, their goal is to normalize their breathing or learn how to breathe normally.

This therapy is known as the Buteyko breathing method. The method has two components: simple and easy breathing exercises (to be practiced for about 1 hour every day) and life-style factors related to sleep, diet, posture, thermoregulation, and everything else that influence our breathing.

When people learn the Buteyko method, obese people gradually slow down their breathing, increase their breath holding time (body oxygenation index), and normalize their weight. How does it work? Russian MDs discovered that CO2 controls cellular permeability of fat cells in relation to blood glucose. When we hyperventilate, blood glucose is driven, due to low CO2 in the blood, into fat cells. Hence, it causes development of hunger. We require more food to keep us going.

When people start to reduce their breathing, the process is reversed. They have no hunger. Most obese Buteyko students start to eat 2-3 times less while having a lot of energy.

Practice show that obese people usually have less then 20 s of oxygen in their bodies at the beginning. Normal oxygenation, as medical books found and as it was normal about 100 years ago is 40-60 s.