Social Communication - 3 Top Secret Attraction Switches Females Look for in MalesIn all social communications, the first 3 seconds will determine the ...
Social Communication - 3 Top Secret Attraction Switches Females Look for in Males
In all social communications,

the first 3 seconds will determine the first impressions which will determine the resistance in acceptance for the next 3 hours.
A young, pretty and young female wearing clothing which speaks the curvy figure of hers is walking down the street within your eye trajectory. Your eyes gaze pasts her, suddenly, she looks troubled, turns to find you and asks for the time. Not wearing a watch, you take your phone out and easily tell her the time in hopes that you will have a chance to have a decent conversation with her. Now imagine this.
A poorly dressed, old, unhealthy, balding female who is untidy, unwashed and has clothing which is torn comes up to you and asks for the time. Your repulsion switches have been flipped, and you ignore the person and carry on with your life.
Notice the difference? Care to tell me that first impressions doesn't matter? What causes these switches? These switches are known as the attraction switches which are built into us. There are very different types of attraction switches in both male and females.
This article focuses on 3 main switches females look for in males.
1. Social Intelligence How socially intelligent are you? Dressing well, grooming well, being able to hold conversations and project social dominance is a switch for social intelligence.
A man who harshly puts people down, especially if they are her friends, are people with no social intelligence. A man who displays no sense of dressing sense, hygiene and displays a need to be noticed and reacts to everything is a man with no social intelligence.
A man who is able to make fast connections, display friendliness, confidence in speech and being not needy is a man with social intelligence.
Being socially intelligent is one main key attraction switch that all females look for in men. It is important as it shows and provides social status for both her and him. It opens the gateways to more possibilities in other areas of life.
2. Pre-Selection and Social Proof A man who is friends with many females is a very powerful attraction switch. Females who spot other females surrounding a man will be unconsciously attracted to him.
A man with many females around him displays that he is pre-selected by other women and has the ability of being socially intelligent, being able to provide sustainability and status and value towards social circles. A man who is constantly being alone, with only male friends, or worse, no social circle is an immediate switch turn-off, especially if he is at an event where many social groups are gathered.
This displays lack of the ability to make and hold conversations and it is an immediate flip-switch that tells them that the man is socially dangerous to their social value.
3. Survival and Replication Value A man who has the 3 vital focus areas in check in his life, mainly, his health, wealth and love, is a man with high survival and replication value. His attraction naturally occurs when all three vital areas are checked.
Women will be attracted to a man with high S&R value because that is what our basic instincts tells us to do. To survive and replicate. As when there is no survival and replication, there is no life.
A man who has wealth is able to provide sustainability for both love relationships and health lifestyles. He is able to maintain or improve current lifestyles. And this will drastically improve his attraction towards females.
Summary These 3 main key switches are switches which flip the female's attraction switches. They look for social dominance, proof, pre-selection and high survival and replication value. All these switches when flipped will develop and create attraction towards a man in females.
This is the reason for the common saying, attraction is not a choice. Because switches can be flipped when a man learns how to do it and partakes in the practice of it.
Towards Your Success, L. Aaron