Ways to Get Skinny Fast
You can get skinny fast with these methods that you can use to get the extra weight off.
There are many ways to get skinny fast that you can use to get the extra weight off. It is not suggested to get skinny fast if you wish to keep the weight off,

but you may need to lose weight fast for a some kind of event that you are about to attend or some other reason why you want to get a slimmer figure fast. Whatever the reason, you can use these top 3 ways to lose weight and get skinny now
1> Detox diet
This is really great at burning off fat and cleansing your system. The idea is that fat sticks to poisons in your body so if you get rid of the toxins from your body then the fat will go along with it and you will be slimmer. This diet involves eating healthy foods and drinks. This will also involve drinking alot of water to help flush out the poisons that have built up in your system. These poisons are from eating junk, rubbish foods that are really bad for you.
2> Low calorie diet
Always a popular choice for dieters. The only disadvantage of slowing your metabolic rate to a very slow pace or so and you will stop losing weight. You will also be very tired on this diet and have a lack of energy and feel cold. You won’t just be burning fat either, you will be burning some muscle as your system goes into famine mode. This is not a diet that you can keep up for long.
3> Metabolism boost
This is very effective at burning fat and getting skinny because it changes the way your system operates instead of working against it like you do with other diets. If you increase your metabolic rate you can destroys calories at a bigger and much faster rate even without making any other changes to your life. Boost your metabolism with exercise, spicy foods and green tea.