You can read in this article about brief history of Indian Kamasutra.
Kama Sutra is the oldest book in the world that is based on pleasures of sensual living. There is no single author who has written this text. Given below is the brief history of Indian Kama Sutra:
• Kama Sutra was compiled in the 3rd century by Sage Vatsayana,

living in northern India. He considered the work of compilation of sexual knowledge as the contemplation of deity and a form of meditation.
• Kama Sutra is written in a complex form of Sanskrit. The title Kama Sutra means “treatise of pleasure.” Apart from the sexual positions, a manual for a better living is also provided by it. The central character of Kama Sutra is the man-about-town.
• The text was written for the purpose of advising both women as well as men.
• The basic aim of Kama Sutra was to explain to the men and women that they should have a proper knowledge about cerebral and carnal pleasure so that the marriages are happy.
• The topics that were explored in that included the social concepts and the society. It also included chapters such as about a wife, acquisition of a wife, about the wives of other mean, on sexual union, on the means of attracting others to yourself and about courtesans.
• Detailed advice is also contained in the book as to what things should be done by men for winning a woman as well as the things that a woman should do for winning a man. It also contains the roles of go-betweens, states of a woman’s mind and the reasons for women rejecting the advances of men.
• Advice is given by Kama Sutra in terms of choosing mates. It also advises people whether childhood friends and fellow students must be considered or not.
• Charts categorizing the female and male types as well as their compatibility to lover’s body were provided in the book.
• Apart from that a variety of scratching, kissing, embracing, biting, sexual intercourse and oral sex were also elaborated. Instructions on extramarital relationships are also incorporated in the text. It also includes “the wives of other men.” Many pages were devoted to methods of extortion and methods of seduction that were practiced by courtesans.
Finally, if this knowledge fails in winning the lovers, lots of recipes for powders, foods and tonics are contained in the final chapter of Indian Kama Sutra.